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Office of Financial Aid
University of Mississippi


Undergraduate students may apply for the following grants at The University of Mississippi:


Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell grants are available to eligible students. Eligibility is determined by the U.S. Department of Education based on a formula that uses the information provided by the student/parent on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to produce a Student Aid Index (SAI). Beginning with the 2024-25 award year, the Pell Grant eligibility has been expanded to include student’s who have had a parent or guardian killed in the line of duty while either serving on active duty as a member of the U.S. armed forces on or after September 11, 2001 or performing official duties as a public safety officer. Award amounts are prorated based on the number of hours for which a student is enrolled. Only undergraduate students who have not previously received a bachelor’s degree are eligible. More information about Pell grants is available at Federal Student Aid.

Per federal regulation, the duration of Pell Grant eligibility is limited to 12 semesters (or its equivalent). Since the amount of Pell Grant funding a full-time student can receive for a traditional academic year (both Fall and Spring semesters) is equal to 100%, this lifetime limit is called the 600% rule. Please note that students may receive Pell Grant funding during summer sessions if otherwise eligible, which counts towards the 600% limit as well. More information is available at Federal Student Aid.

For more information, consult the Office of Financial Aid’s current policies and procedures for the Federal Pell Grant.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG)

*Beginning with he 2024-25 award year, the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG) will be replaced with expanded eligibility criteria to the Federal Pell Grant.

A student may be eligible to receive the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG) if:

  • the student is not eligible for a Federal Pell Grant (based on the Expected Family Contribution), but
  • the student meets remaining Federal Pell Grant eligibility requirements, and
  • the student’s parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. armed forces and died as a result of military service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11, and
  • the student was under 24 years old or enrolled in college at least part-time at the time of the death of the student’s parent or guardian.

The IASG is equal to the amount of a maximum Federal Pell Grant for the award year but cannot exceed the student’s cost of attendance for that award year. The award is subject to reduction due to sequestration.

The Office of Financial Aid will identify qualifying recipients of this grant based on data contained within the student’s FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

For more information, consult the Office of Financial Aid’s current policies and procedures for the Federal Pell Grant (section 7.4).


Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

Grants of up to $4,000 per year are available to students pursuing a first bachelor’s degree who show exceptional financial need. Due to limited funds, grants at The University of Mississippi usually do not exceed $500-$1000 per year. To apply, a student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). For more information, consult the Office of Financial Aid’s current policies and procedures for the Federal SEOG (FSEOG) program.


Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG)

A grant of $500 per year is available for freshmen and sophomores and $1,000 per year for juniors and seniors who are Mississippi residents. MTAG is prorated for those students who receive a Pell Grant; therefore, students who receive the maximum Pell award will not be eligible for MTAG. One-year Mississippi residency and full-time enrollment are required. Entering freshmen must have a minimum ACT score of 15 or equivalent SAT and a 2.5 GPA. Application is available online at It must be submitted by September 15 of each year. Renewal requires submission of an application each year, continued full-time status and maintenance of a 2.5 college GPA. Undergraduate students must enroll in and earn (complete with passing grades) 15 credit hours per semester to maintain eligibility for state aid for programs that require full-time enrollment. Only one state grant can be received in a term – so if students are eligible for more than one of the following (MTAG, MESG, FAITH, HELP, Nissan Grant, or the MS Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship), they will receive aid through the program that will award the larger amount


Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG)

A grant of $2,500 per year is available to Mississippi residents who are entering freshmen and are designated as National Merit/Achievement Finalists/Semifinalists OR who achieve an ACT score of 29 or better (or comparable SAT score) and a 3.5 high-school grade-point average. One-year Mississippi residency and full-time enrollment are required. Application is available online at It must be submitted by September 15 of each year. Renewal requires submission of an application each year, continued full-time status and maintenance of a 3.5 GPA. Undergraduate students must enroll in and earn (complete with passing grades) 15 credit hours per semester to maintain eligibility for state aid for programs that require full-time enrollment. Only one state grant can be received in a term – so if students are eligible for more than one of the following (MTAG, MESG, FAITH, HELP, Nissan Grant, or the MS Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship), they will receive aid through the program that will award the larger amount.


Higher Education Legislative Plan For Needy Students (HELP)

A grant covering the cost of tuition (including required fees) is available for up to 4 years for qualified Mississippi resident undergraduates whose financial need (as demonstrated on the FAFSA) will not be met with gift aid from other sources. Must be within one year of high school graduation with a minimum ACT score of 20 or equivalent SAT and a 2.5 GPA. Must have completed a specific high school curriculum and meet income limitations. Application is available online at It must be submitted by March 31 of each year. Undergraduate students must enroll in and earn (complete with passing grades) 15 credit hours per semester to maintain eligibility for state aid for programs that require full-time enrollment. Only one state grant can be received in a term – so if students are eligible for more than one of the following (MTAG, MESG, FAITH, HELP, Nissan Grant, or the MS Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship), they will receive aid through the program that will award the larger amount.


Nissan Scholarship (NISS)

A grant covering full tuition (including required fees) and a book allowance is provided by Nissan North America, Inc. to applicants who are Mississippi residents who are graduating from a Mississippi high school in the current year. Selection is competitive and requires an essay. Application is available online at It must be submitted by September 15 of each year. Undergraduate students must enroll in and earn (complete with passing grades) 15 credit hours per semester to maintain eligibility for state aid for programs that require full-time enrollment. Only one state grant can be received in a term – so if students are eligible for more than one of the following (MTAG, MESG, FAITH, HELP, Nissan Grant, or the MS Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship), they will receive aid through the program that will award the larger amount.


Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship (LAW)

A grant covering the cost of tuition (including required fees) and the average cost of campus housing is available for dependent children and spouses of any Mississippi law enforcement officer, full-time fire fighter or volunteer fire fighter who has suffered fatal injuries or wounds or become permanently and totally disabled as a result of injuries or wounds which occurred in the performance of the official and appointed duties of his or her office. Application is available online at It must be submitted by September 15 of each year. Undergraduate students must enroll in and earn (complete with passing grades) 15 credit hours per semester to maintain eligibility for state aid for programs that require full-time enrollment. Only one state grant can be received in a term – so if students are eligible for more than one of the following (MTAG, MESG, FAITH, HELP, Nissan Grant, or the MS Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship), they will receive aid through the program that will award the larger amount.


Complete 2 Compete Tuition Assistance Grant (C2C)

Complete 2 Compete (C2C) is a statewide initiative designed to help Mississippi adults who have earned college credit, but do not yet have a degree, return to college to complete their degree. One-time grants are available to help students pay off past due balances or apply towards one semester’s tuition and fees. Grants are maxed out at $500. All eligibility requirements must be met to receive a grant. For additional information, students should visit

C2C Tuition Assistance Grant
Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be a MS resident and a US citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Be 21 years of age or older
  • Meet FAFSA definition of an independent student
  • Be enrolled in MS public institution pursing first postsecondary degree
  • Complete FAFSA
  • Complete state aid application
  • Not be enrolled at any higher education institution for the previous, consecutive 24 months
  • Be able to earn required GPA to earn degree
  • Not have been disciplinarily dismissed from the most recently attended higher education institution

C2C Tuition Assistance Grant (Dependent and Income-Based)
Per the MDHS contract, these are the criteria that a returning adult learner must meet in order to qualify for tuition assistance using MDHS grant money:

  • Have a dependent child in the home
  • Have an income level that is at or below 350% of the poverty level
  • Pell and other federal aid must be applied first, except for prior debt
  • Meet all eligibility criteria listed in C2C Tuition Assistance Grant


FAITH Scholarship

A grant covering up to the full cost of attendance for Mississippi residents who are current and former foster youth for up to 5 years. Application is available online at It must be submitted by September 15 of each year. Students must also complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and apply through CPS for an Educational and Training Voucher (ETV) if eligible to apply. Applicants must be younger than 25 by October 1 of the aid year in which they are applying. Undergraduate students must enroll in at least 6 credit hours per semester to maintain eligibility. Only one state grant can be received in a term – so if students are eligible for more than one of the following (MTAG, MESG, FAITH, HELP, Nissan Grant, or the MS Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship), they will receive aid through the program that will award the larger amount.