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Office of Financial Aid
University of Mississippi

Terms and Conditions for the
Lindsay McCauley Kirkley
Ole Miss Women’s Council Scholarship

    • Scholarship is both a merit award for your outstanding academic achievement in high school and an award to foster your potential as a University of Mississippi student.
    • This scholarship is awarding to a student enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts.
Characteristics of a Council Scholar


    1. Demonstrates an ethical and caring desire to help others.
    2. Articulates and demonstrates leadership.
    3. Shows willingness to take acceptable risks.
    4. Commits to the philosophy of servant leadership and developing new models of leadership based on this philosophy.
    5. Exhibits desire to attain levels of influence to create a more ethical society.
    6. Understands the need to perpetuate the programs of this University through gifts and service.
  • Eligibility for future years is conditional upon your satisfactory participation in the program and availability of funding. This includes:
    1. Attending regular individual meetings with program coordinators or other university officials as required.
    2. Attending regularly scheduled group meetings/dinners/seminars. Non attendance at scheduled meetings must be appropriately excused by OMWC Coordinator.
    3. Joining campus organizations during the first year with expectations of leadership in these organizations in later years.
    4. Developing relationships with mentors selected by the mentorship coordinator.
    5. Demonstrating newly acquired leadership skills through community program involvement. Required eight (8) hours per semester may count concurrently with other community service requirements. Student and coordinator to work together on these requirements.
    6. Attend OMWC sponsored leadership retreats and /or Seminars.
    7. Freshman must enroll in EDHE 105 unless excused by OMWC Coordinator.
    8. Scholars must attend classes. Unexcused class absences will result in loss of scholarship.
    9. Judicial council action against any OMWC Scholar requiring them to be dismissed from any campus organization might result from dismissal from the OMWC scholarship.
Conditions of Scholarship
  • Full-time enrollment of at least 12 hours each semester is required.
  • Independent Study classes (also known as correspondence courses or iStudy) can only be used to count towards the full-time enrollment requirement if they are semester-based – not Flex courses. In addition, the scholarship amount may be reduced if students are enrolled in iStudy classes ONLY that term.
  • Enrollment in the College of Liberal Arts is required to maintain this award.
  • Eligibility for future years is conditional upon maintenance of at least a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale on all course work attempted at the University of Mississippi (not transfer grades). Scholars must maintain a dependent status as defined by the Federal Title IV regulations and OMWC terms and conditions.
  • Renewal eligibility for subsequent terms will be determined at the end of each semester. Warning notices may be issued at midterm if the student falls below the 3.0 mark or is failing to meet the participation requirements. If the grade point average falls below the scholarship minimum, for two consecutive semesters, the scholar will forfeit (lose) the OMWC Scholarship.
  • Maximum eligibility is limited to eight consecutive regular semesters (fall and spring only) or once a bachelor’s degree is received. This scholarship will not pay for winter intersession, summer intersession, or any other summer terms.
  • If you withdraw from the University within the 100% institutional refund period (the first 10 days of classes), any scholarship that has already been credited to your bursar account must be repaid in full.
  • If you withdraw from the University and attend another college, you will forfeit your scholarship unless prior arrangements have been made with the University of Mississippi Office of Financial Aid or the Ole Miss Women’s Council Program Coordinator.
  • Each semester you are enrolled, you must prepare a letter thanking the donor for your scholarship. Please visit for directions.  Failure to comply with this expectation within the first semester of enrollment will result in termination of your scholarship.
  • If this scholarship, combined with any other financial aid, exceeds the overall student budget determined for each student by the Office of Financial aid, it may cause a reduction in some of your financial aid. This scholarship will not be reduced unless directed by a representative of the Women’s Council or the UM Foundation, but the Office of Financial Aid reserves the right to review packages and reduce other aid if necessary during and after the academic year per federal or state regulations.